Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life or Death?

What do you think about life and death? Can we cheat death or does death creeps up slowly behind us and just rip our soul away from our body even if we are not ready to die or ready to leave this world of ours as it is said? Have you ever thought of that before? Scarry ain't it? I think everyone is put here to do something. You leave this world of ours when your work is done. But the think is, we as human beings will always ask and look for answers, why,when,how and more...many people who claim that they can read peoples future says they know but till now i doubt anyone knows the answers for any of the question asked. What say you??? To me death is something weird. Something unimaginable even if you try your best to imagine. To imagine something that someone has explained, death that is. Don't think anyone has done that before, you get what i meant? Someone dies and comes back to tell the tales of everything about death? Fat chance! This is where you start to get people telling stories in if a person dies what will happen, when it will happen and more. The chinese has always have the answers. For example, the soul of the departed will return on the 7th day of when he or she has past away. You will hear sounds of chains rattling and weird sounds in the house of the departed. The chains are sounds of the 2 unhuman things that have brought the pass away person back to his or her home to actually explain to that person that he or she has pass on and is no longer in the human world. Well it is said that when a person departs, he or she will not know that they have pass on till this 2 spirits of the underworld explains. Well you can call them the Chinese Grim Reaper pair to be exact. One is black and one is white as it is said. Well i think this post has been dragged too long and it is starting to not depict what my title. Don't you think???


KIKILALA said...

I think that there is nothing after death. The stories of spirits coming back or that special place to go to after death is created because humans are scared of the uncertainties. Since they have no answer, they create an answer that they find acceptable and one that makes them think that life is worth living. They refuse to believe that there is nothing after death.

Death is just one second away from us most of the time. One moment we are alive, the next we are dead. Just one breath short or one heartbeat less. Then that is the end. Nothing else comes after.

J.R said...

Well...i do believe in life after death. But i don't think it will be so complicated. Well...seeing is believing..and i have seen much...